Website PackagesOne Page StaticSimple WebsiteDynamic/ResponsiveE-Commerce
Domain CostExtraExtraExtraExtra
Web Hosting5 Gb Web Hosting for 1 Year5 Gb Web Hosting for 1 Year10 Gb Web Hosting for 1 YearUnlimited Web Hosting for 1 Year
Monthly BandwidthUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Weekly BackupsYesYesYesYes
Website Development
No. of Designs100+100+100+100+
Mobile ResponsiveYesYesYesYes
Content Management SystemNoYesYesYes
Contact Us Form1123
No. of Web Pages1 StaticUpto 6 Dynamic PagesUpto 12 Dynamic PagesUpto 25 Dynamic Pages
Extra Pages $ 20 per Page$ 15 per Page$ 12 per Page$ 10 per Page
Google Analytics IntegrationYesYesYesYes
Google Map IntegrationYesYesYesYes
Live Chat IntegrationNoYesYesYes
Business Emails
Business E-mail Accounts of 512 MB each551020
Logo1 Logo included1 Logo included1 Logo included1 Logo included
Extra Logo Design$ 75 per logo$ 75 per logo$ 75 per logo$ 75 per logo
Basic SEONoNoYesYes
Advanced SEONoNoNoYes
Ecommerce Features
No. of Products NoNoNo30
No. of Photographs*NoNoNo60
Extra Product UploadNoNoNo$ 5 per product with 2 photographs
Add, Edit & Delete Product CategoriesNoNoNounlimited no. of times
Add, Edit & Delete Product Sub CategoriesNoNoNounlimited no. of times
Add, Edit & Delete ProductNoNoNounlimited no. of times
Shopping CartNoNoNoYes
Payment Gateway IntegrationNoNoNoYes
Email SupportIncluded - 6 per yearIncluded - 12 per yearIncluded - 18 per yearIncluded - 24 per year
Additional Email Support (Optional)$ 2 per email support$ 2 per email support$ 2 per email support$ 2 per email support
Chat SupportNoIncluded - 12 per yearIncluded - 18 per yearIncluded - 24 per year
Additional Chat Support (Optional)$ 3 per chat support$ 3 per chat support$ 3 per chat support$ 3 per chat support
Skype Call SupportNoNoIncluded - 18 per yearIncluded - 24 per year
Additional Skype Call Support (Optional)$ 5 per skype call support$ 5 per skype call support$ 5 per skype call support$ 5 per skype call support
Cost per year$ 150 - 250 per year$ 350 - 450 per year$ 550 - 650 per year$ 750 or more per year